Greener Homes
Welcome to the Greener Homes
Content Handbook

Welcome to the Greener Homes
Content Handbook
This resource has been created to inspire and enable new on-screen stories about the home.
The concept of ‘home’ is powerful and plays an important role in all forms of storytelling, particularly on television. We see our homes and how we live in them portrayed on-screen, whether it’s on home improvement shows, long-running dramas or our favourite soaps. But how these stories are told – and the information that’s conveyed – is going to have to change to reflect the transitions on the home front as consumer demand and government legislation continues to shift.
We are living in a time of great change. The challenge of climate change is a story on an epic scale. But when huge systemic changes are needed to mitigate its anticipated effects, what can we as individuals and as communities do?

The answer is close to home.
In fact, the answer is “home”.
The next two decades will bring substantial adjustments for all of us when it comes to our homes. Reducing carbon emissions will create smarter, cheaper and healthier places to live.
Households are bigger emitters of greenhouse gases than any other sector. For this reason, The UK Climate Change Committee (independent advisors to the UK government) recommends that increasing heating efficiency and replacing fossil fuels, such as gas and oil, with renewable energy will be necessary in almost all homes, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable future for everyone. While significant progress has been made, the UK still has a long way to go to reduce carbon emissions if it is to meet its legally binding targets by 2050.
What’s this got to do with on-screen storytelling?
The societal shifts that will occur as we move to a greener economy and greener homes will be some of the most significant transitions since the Industrial Revolution. They will bring compelling human stories on themes such as community, jobs and skills, and inclusion.
Households account for 26% of total emissions in the UK, on a residency basis

How to use this Handbook
These changes can be hard to keep up with. So this Handbook has been created to bring together in one place key information, resources and tools to tell more creative and effective stories about greener homes on-screen.
Different parts will be more relevant for different production types and roles; Whether you want to incorporate facts about the future of our homes, provide inspiration for related narratives in your content, or simply depict the latest home technology on-screen, this handbook is designed to help.
Visit our tell, learn and show sections. And do get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.
Come to a free briefing
Inspiring and information-rich sessions, bespoke to your team, delivered by screen sustainability experts Picture Zero, to accompany this Handbook. Get in touch to book a briefing.
Tell us about your project
We’d like to hear from you to explore ways we can collaborate and support your work.
Give us feedback
Please do get in touch with feedback. We want to make this resource as useful to your work as possible and are keen to hear about ways to do that.