So how can we apply this framework more specifically to our audiences?
Bricks: Their drive for security means that Bricks focus on their family and home. While global warming is too remote for Bricks to worry about, they know if their neighbour is sick and they are willing to lend a hand.
Golds: In their search for esteem, Golds want the symbols of success in everything they do. 50% of our audience are golds.
Greens: Greens want to be at the bleeding edge. They worry about the climate and were the first on their block to buy a hybrid electric car. Of course, they got rid of that car as soon as the Golds started buying them.
No one knows your audiences better than you. Having an awareness of what engages and inspires them (as well as what alienates them) is crucial to the stories we tell – so what more can we do to ensure we meet them where they are?